The Road To Where You Want To Be
Artist: Geoff Allan
Publisher: Color International Productions
Genres: Rock / Alternative / Indy
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What Has Happened (RE)
by Geoff Allan

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I was sleeping when they came in,
They took away all my faith in life.
They took the dreams that I once held dear,
And all they left behind was fear.

And in the canyons we call our streets,
The people dazed and wandering.
"Where is my world?" they ask aloud,
But there's no safety anywhere.

What is happening to our world?
Where is the freedom we once deserved?
What has happened to our old life?
When will we get it back?

A child is dying in Africa,
I sent him food that he never got.
People changing the way we think,
No right no wrong, just grey.

I saw an actor the other day,
Told me I should think his way.
Well I can tell you he's lost in space,
Is he the hope for the human race?

What is happening to our world?
Where is the freedom we once deserved?
What has happened to our old life?
When will we get it back?

We gotta wake up to what is real,
Look at the facts not just what you feel.
Making up history to justify,
The hate you have for the ones that try.

And it's a fight between wrong and right,
There is a difference between day and night.
You can't avoid that there is one way,
To keep the fear from coming back some day.

What is happening to our world?
Where is the freedom we once deserved?
What has happened to our old life?
When will we get it back?

This song is about terrorism.

Check out the YouTube video for this song at this link.

Part of the 2020 Remastering push.

Recorded in April 2004 using Cakewalk Sonar 3. Written, performed, produced and engineered by Geoff Allan at CIP's Calgary production facility.

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