The Road To Where You Want To Be
Artist: Geoff Allan
Publisher: Color International Productions
Genres: Rock / Alternative / Indy
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One Seven (No Lyrics)
by Geoff Allan

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August 3, 2020: After testing this on several different combinations of speakers and environments, I remixed it with less overwhelming bass, and tightened up several parts. Hi-hat taps are changed from 16ths to 8ths, which removes some clutter. This might very well be the final mix.

Marcn 25, 2020: Because I was so disappointed with the vocals I recorded for this song, I'm releasing this version with no vocals.

February 19, 2020: Probably about the best mix I can get with this project. I realized when I went to record vocals that I couldn't reach the notes I had written it for, so compromised by singing an octave low and harmonizing. Not the best outcome, but the lyrics are intelligible.

February 14, 2020: With the treatment finished in the studio, got a significantly better mix. Added choirs.

January 29, 2020: Initial upload, first mix, no vocals. This mix was created for tracking vocals and does not represent a final mix.

Recorded in 24 bit, 96 KHz studio quality audio in the CMP Lakeside studio, using an acoustic guitar, Stratocaster, BFD3, Rickenbacker Bass, and New York Concert Grand piano.

DAW: BandLab Cakewalk (formerly Cakewalk Sonar).

Mastered with Ozone 9.

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